WVDOH Specification Committee – January 8, 2024

The WVDOH announces its December Specifications Committee meeting, which is scheduled for Wednesday, January 8 at 9:00 a.m. at the WVDOH Building 5 Conference Room 843 at 1900 Kanawha Blvd. E., Charleston WV. For those unable to attend in person please join via Google Meet, details below.
Critical things to look for in the meeting packet (this is not all encompassing please review the entire packet):
Item up for approval - Special Provision SP 695-Mainline Pavement - Revision included removing thickness measurements from the SP and referred thickness measurements to the parent materials appropriate specifications.
Other items in the agenda include:
- Removal of the Sequential Air Method (SAM) from SP601-Structural Concrete
- Addition of PVC-Coated Rigid Galvanized Steel Conduit to SECTION 662 ROADWAY LIGHTING and SECTION 715 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS
- Replacement of the rapid chloride permeability test with the surface resistivity test in SECTION 679 OVERLAYING OF PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE BRIDGE DECKS
- Addition of pressure requirements for the hydro demolishing equipment in 679. Hydrodemolishing Equipment
A copy of the agenda and proposals will be posted online at the Specifications Committee Website HERE. Comments are requested on these Specification changes and Project Specific Special Provisions and may be submitted directly to Janie Adkins, Assistant Specifications Engineer at the WVDOH at janie.m.adkins@wv.gov or DOHSpecifications@wv.gov, or to the CAWV Specifications Committee Chairman, Chad Miller, at cmiller@jfallenco.com, and John Crane at jcrane@asphaltwv.com. Please share comments in advance of the meeting to ensure they can be reviewed/discussed at the meeting.
To join by phone dial +1 216-930-9276 | PIN: 975042820
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