WVDOH Standards & Manuals Committee – Sept 11

The WVDOH Standards & Manuals Committee’s next meeting will be held in person on September 11, 2024, at 9:00a.m. in Room 820 in Building 5 of the WV Capitol Complex, 1900 Kanawha Blvd. E., Charleston, WV. For those unable to attend in person please join via Google Meet, details below. Copies of the proposed changes for the meeting are available - Sept. Standards Packet & Sept. Manual Packet.
Items included for the Standards meeting will consist of a single old business item: Standard Drainage Details (approval expected). This meeting will also contain four new business items: DD-202 - Review Submission Checklists (PFR, FFR, FOR), DD-202-Distribution Schedule, DD-202 Regional Map updates, and DD-105 - Specification, Standards, Manuals, & Material Procedure Approval Process. There are no business items for the September Manuals Committee meeting.
Members interested in submitting comments should do so by Friday, September 6, 2024 in advance of the meeting. Comments may be submitted directly to the WVDOH at dee.l.begley@wv.gov, to CAWV Standards Committee Chairman, Jeremiah Knavenshue at Jeremiah.Knavenshue@mbakerintl.com, and/or John Crane at jcrane@asphaltwv.com. Please share any comments by the deadline, to ensure ample time for your comments to be reviewed prior to the meeting. This meeting complies with the Open Government Meeting Act.
To join by phone: 971-301-5770 PIN: 935798309
Unfinished Business – Standards discussed at last Committee meeting.
Standard Drainage Details. Inlet and Manhole details with a 6” thickness. They have 28-day strengths of 5000 psi and include a note (12) which is their version of, “Flow of outlet pipe shall match bottom elevation of inlet.” 2nd time to Committee. Approval Expected | A. Gillispie |
New Business
DD-202 Review Submission Checklists: PFR, FFR, FOR. MS4 Coordination added to each checklist. Expected to go to vote in November. 1st time to Committee. | D. Begley |
DD-202 Distribution Schedule: HE added to schedule Note: This list isn’t required to go through the Standards Committee for updates, but we’ve included it so that others can provide input or further updates, if needed. 1st time to Committee. | D. Begley |
DD-202 Regional Maps: Maps updated with current staff. Note: This list isn’t required to go through the Standards Committee for updates, but we’ve included it so that others can provide input or further updates, if needed. 1st time to Committee. | D. Begley |
DD-105 Specification, Standards, Manuals, & Material Procedure Approval Process: Link and Division Updates. Expected to go to vote in November. 1st time to Committee. | J. Adkins |
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